Kevin de León represents the 14th City Council District (Boyle Heights, Northeast L.A., downtown). He served in the Assembly from 2006-2010 and the State Senate from 2010-2018 (elected President Pro Tem in 2014). He is a former labor organizer for the state and national teachers unions.
Website: kevindeleon.com
LAist sent a multiple-choice survey to every mayoral candidate on the ballot for the June 7 primary, starting in April. LAist sent out more than 30 questions to every mayoral candidate who was actively campaigning for the June 7 primary. Categorizing their responses was a challenge, and there was a lot of agreement and overlap among the candidates. We ultimately focused on 12 questions that we think help to distinguish their positions on key issues. You can review De León’s positions below. And you can read his full, unedited responses to the questionnaire here.
Credits & Support
- Brianna Lee
- Caitlin Biljan
- Austin Cross
- Maloy Moore
- Kyle Stokes
- Frank Stoltze
- Camila Thur De Koos
- Karen Wang
- Ethan Ward
- Ross Brenneman
- Brian Frank
- Oscar Garza
- Megan Garvey
- Paul Glickman
- Tony Marcano
- Rebecca Nieto
- Ariel Zirulnick
Web Development
- Melissa DeMund
- Diana Chu
- Will Welch (The City: NYC)
- Nathaniel Beaver
- Jerome Harris
- James Evers
- Dan Carino
- Arantza Peña Popo
- Jon Cohn
- Tony Federico
- Kristen Payne
- Rebecca Stumme
This coverage was made possible through support by the Committee for Greater LA in partnership with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and the Weingart Foundation.

Special Thanks
Special thanks to The City, which originally conceived and developed this project for voters in New York.